Do You Need a Real Estate Attorney in New York City?
A real estate attorney is a legally necessary party in a New York State real estate purchase - they’re legally mandated to be at a closing. However, it’s a good idea to have a real estate attorney representing you throughout your home buying process.
Here are the reasons why you need a real estate attorney in New York City, from co-op board rules to zoning laws.

What is a Desk Appearance Ticket in New York City?
Desk Appearance Tickets are more common in New York since new criminal justice reforms came into effect in 2020. They allow a person who’s been arrested to be processed at the police station, then released until a court date a few weeks in the future.
There can be some confusion around Desk Appearance Tickets, how serious they are, and what your hearing entails - we’re here to clear it up for you.

How To Get Full Custody of a Child in New York
A common question in custody disputes is, “How can I get full custody of my children?” However, in New York, “full custody” is not actually a legal definition. In fact, there are two forms of custody - physical and legal custody - and two ways of splitting it - joint and sole custody.
Courts use a number of factors to determine the custody arrangement, with the main concern being the best interests of the children. In this post, we explain the basics of custody in New York and how courts decide custody and visitation arrangements.